Chat with other chamber professionals
If you’re a chamber of commerce professional, MCCE can help advance your career through professional development, mentorship, educational resources, and networking opportunities. Discover why more than 100 chamber professionals have joined MCCE.

Experience executive experience & support
Probably one of the most valuable MCCE benefits is the support of our executives. Whether it’s providing ideas on a specific program or career counseling, MCCE executives are willing to share their experience and suggestions on any topic related to chamber management.

Gain access to resources to help you succeed
A variety of information is compiled to provide guidance and reference for numerous topics that pertain to the success and prosperity of local chambers. The extensive files, most available online exclusively to MCCE members, include information on everything from board member job descriptions, governance documents, policy handbooks, and best practices on a variety of innovate programs and events.
Ready to join fellow chamber professionals?
Join NowCareer building conferences
MCCE is best known for its high-quality training and development opportunities. Whether it is bringing in a national industry resource or leveraging best practices of our peers across the state, there is no better, or more affordable development opportunity than MCCE. Chamber professionals at all levels are welcome to participate.

Held each September, Fall Conference provides MCCE members the opportunity to share ideas and network in a relaxed atmosphere. The majority of the programs at the two and a half day conference are developed and led by our fellow members.
Fall ConferenceFeb
Held in either January or February of each year, the MCCE Annual Meeting is packed with top-notch speakers and emerging topics that affect chambers of commerce.
Annual Meeting
New executive recruitment and support
MCCE is fully committed to attracting the best talent to the Chamber profession and provides resources to volunteer search committees seeking new executive leadership. Additionally, through MCCE’s mentoring program and Executive Orientation, strong career support is provided to new executives.

Executive leadership training
This program is designed for emerging leaders in the Minnesota’s chamber of commerce profession who are committed to advancing their professional and leadership capabilities. The goal of this program is to continue to develop and mentor talented chamber leaders across Minnesota. This program is offered every two years. Watch for more details in early 2020.